Our MP, the Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt, was adopted as the new Parliamentary candidate for Godalming & Ash on Friday, 27th January.
This is part of a process for adopting candidates for new constituencies following parliamentary boundary reviews, which mean that the current South West Surrey constituency is being split into two new constituencies: Godalming & Ash and Farnham & Borden. These changes will take effect in 2024 and in the meantime, Jeremy will remain the Member of Parliament until the next General Election.
The new Farnham & Borden seat will soon start its process for the selection of its Parliamentary candidates Shortly, Farnham & Borden will be seeking expressions of interests from potential candidates that have been approved by the Conservative Party and those candidates will be considered by the Conservative party members that reside in the new Farnham & Borden seat culminating in a final selection that we expect to be completed this Spring.