Surrey County Council's new highghways contractor (May Gurney) has completed its first 100 road resurfacing projects, with the century being brought up at the A31 Farnham bypass. A total of 720,000 square metres of road has been recovered.
The new contract will demand higher standards of work as well as releasing extra funds to prepare for severe weather this coming winter.
There is also a new regime for potholes. All potholes will be made safe within 24 hours of being reported with a permanent repair made between 24 hours and 28 days. In May - the first full month of the new highways contract - May Gurney fixed more than 2,500 potholes at a rate of around 600 a week.
There is also a new pothole reporting page on the Surrey County Council website to enable residents to report potholes simply and quickly and follow the progress of the repair. You can find it at